Mary K. Vaughn retired from her position as the Director of the City of Wichita Housing and Community
Services Department in 2015. Her educational background includes degrees from the College of Wooster
(BA) and Rutgers University (MSW).
Since she retired Mary K. has worked with the Urban League of Kansas and as a volunteer with the Read
to Succeed program in Wichita Public Schools. She was formerly a volunteer with the Bigs in Schools
program as well.
Mary K. has been on the Legacy Board since 2022 and believes in its mission as described in her own
words: “Helping kids achieve their potential and overcome odds against such achievement, is a passion I
have followed since my early work with the juvenile court in Kansas City. I have seen what intentional
work with young people can do in changing the trajectory of their lives and I am excited to watch that
happen with Legacy Ministries young people.”