Shelly Westfall
Executive Director
Shelly Westfall
Shelly has served Legacy as its Executive Director since 2019. She holds a Master’s Degree from Tabor College in Ministry, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Her experience includes over 20 years in business management and consulting, as well as seven years in church-related ministry.
“I was drawn to Legacy for several reasons. I have had the opportunity to love and support a number of ‘bonus kids’ as I was raising my own children, some of whom were marginalized and lacked resources and support in various ways. Legacy’s commitment to building relationships with teens and providing them with jobs and community spoke to me as a powerful way to stand in the gaps that many of our youth experience. It felt like the missing piece to a complex puzzle. This work has allowed me to engage innovatively in business development, support local teens, and to live out my faith in ways that continue to blow my mind and inspire my soul every day. I’m incredibly proud of this work, this team, and the youth that engage in this program!”